I'm not really stuck on writing my argument paper for English but rather slowly catching up to my flow of words. So, let the blogging warm up brain. To be honest, I'm also getting quite sleepy. The brain can only take so much logical fallacies/strong thesis/transition words/music industry facts before it melts out of my head and become ear muffs for the season. It is spring though, so that won't be necessary. Therefore, I'm gonna have to breathe through this on my own to prevent such casualties. You wanna talk music's collapse? We'll talk music's collapse.
But let us side track for a moment and bring up a little section I used to bring to the World Wide Web called
"Bitch of the Week". What is this, exactly? Well to copy and paste from such promotional pages of Everyone But Ashley, "Bitch of the Week" is explained as follows, "In everyone's life there's always the person that irritates or makes [others] annoyed. It can be the most random idiotic thing, or just the person has nothing better to do than to bitch about someone, Or just for the fun of it, which we are doing this, call someone a "Bitch". Welcome to the world, where people are people...". I'm going to be forward when I say it doesn't necessarily have to be a person. It can be a person, place, or thing. A noun, if I may? Well, to keep this simple, and for a fresh start on this in over a year, we'll bash on (quick drum roll) The Green Brothers! AKA Garrett and Taylor.
This was his reaction when I told him I was pregnant,and that he was Bitch of the Week.I was just gonna say Taylor but lets spice things up. Shall we? To be quick and simple on Taylor, and this is for the benefit of Garrett, I'll simply quote him. Warning: quote may be subject to questioning. "It's too cold and windy rah rah rah" -Taylor. You're welcome Garrett. Now for the benefit of everyone else, Garrett Green, the douche bag gay pirate (dubbed courtesy of Dr. LonshanksPHD). I applaud the manpris, but I sink in my self sorrow from not being able to decipher thunder from lightning. That was only once, thank you very much. With the cool new haircut, he's out to make judgements of his own. He would "strike down upon thee with great vengeance" when he plays god. Though, limited, his random outbursts will leave you dissatisfied in horror with comments such as "you don't have to contribute to the noise" (applaud) and "I ordered a waffle". And a post script to both, neither have blogged about how wonderful Alex, Jon, and Abel have been to them when they were picked on by the seniors in high school. (dramatization may not have happened) But with all due respect, we enjoy both's company and each has one's own personality.
Next week I'll consider what I had in mind for this weeks BOTW. *CoughCautiousParents?Cough* Respect, though. Well, guess I'm out of time and we can't really talk music now.