Yeah, it's fun, easy to do, and self improving...Oh, Blogger? Right. Right. Self improving as in becoming a better writer (Possibly). You can prolly get carpal tunnel fffFFROM BLOGGING! *Shifty Eyes*
Anywhoo, while narrowing down my choices for this weeks BOTW, Blogger quite possibly had maintenence done and was not able to find my dashboard for all my blogging needs. The bar vanished and it almost seemed impossible to have my way with it. With my frustration, my verdict turned. So if I may give you this sessions Bitch of the Week! (Applause) Guy who filled in for Max Weinberg, Drumroll......................................and this week's bitch is! You Guessed it, Blogger! (Boos! and not the Jill kinds...just saying)
That was the worst half hour of meltdown for me in what say, 24 hours? Brief? Yes. Annoying? A little. Shouldn't be complaining? Shove it. Billy Mays died, he'd be haunting you too. Him and his obnoxious voice. Dear Lord, make the voices go away. Give him something to sell.
Now this can be a poor excuse for BOTW, but it'll suffice. You're better off getting this than have me kvetch about fame, wealth, and all it's uneasiness. Not to mention taking a sawed off to yourself even though it's still too long and your able to pull it whilst your shoes are still on...framed I tell you. Suspect: The Wife
The ingenuity of sharing your thoughts online far surpasses the diary today. But can it be hidden from your parents?
29 June, 2009
28 June, 2009
This One's For Her Majesty!
So I though I'd put one of us getting ready for the picture also, that's what you don't get to see when the photographer is setting up the picture and getting the lighting right. Poor Bammers has a glare on him, maybe he just has that sparkle in his smile? I don't know.......blow me. BALLOON! Post Script, this is the cutest damn house in the world! Now I'm jealous...
Looks like I'm gonna drop the F' Bomb. Fuck, I said it.
The Champ is blurry.
This summer I've been volunteering at the IRC (International Rescue Committee) helping refugees learn and experience the culture here in America, and no, not like McDonald's and our problem with obesity. So far, we have played some games to get to know each others names, made collages of our culture and what we like, and this last week we were able to go to Tracy Aviary. This is something I look forward to every Tuesday and Thursday, though sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing much to help them, but it's fun to get to know the kids. I am glad Ellie asked me to volunteer. Honestly, at first I was hesitant on the idea of taking time out of my week to volunteer but it has been a wonderful three weeks so far! I am blessed to be able to do this and I encourage others to do the same. Who knows? The experience may be life changing.
22 June, 2009
April, do you remember in second grade when you moved here from Arkansas? And everyone made fun of you and threw rocks at you,'cuz you talked funny...
Ever tried to whiten your teeth with Strawberries? Not quite sure if it works. Catherine Zeta Jones does it and Tyra Banks tried it out so maybe I'll give it a go. Pretty sure I'm destined to have stained, repelling yellow teeth...kinda
Well, everyone has been posting some articulate pictures from this summer and I though I'd join in on the fun. (Though mine are mediocre at best..shhh..) Check out Taylor and Garrett's. "Fine young fellows they are, brothers even." "You don't say?" Alex should make a photo blog, but it's been a while since he's been on here. Jill's on blogger and I'm a wee bit sad that she's not my pretty little friend on here *cough cough*. But, we'll be honest...I haven't really read much of her blogs anyways. Zing. Rock climbing, I get it. Brave. Yeah, six feet or something rather...
Well, everyone has been posting some articulate pictures from this summer and I though I'd join in on the fun. (Though mine are mediocre at best..shhh..) Check out Taylor and Garrett's. "Fine young fellows they are, brothers even." "You don't say?" Alex should make a photo blog, but it's been a while since he's been on here. Jill's on blogger and I'm a wee bit sad that she's not my pretty little friend on here *cough cough*. But, we'll be honest...I haven't really read much of her blogs anyways. Zing. Rock climbing, I get it. Brave. Yeah, six feet or something rather...
Gonna Try To Make My Drums Playable Again...
I've decided to clean up my dusty ol' drum set and get it back to a decent condition. It's prolly decent enough as it is but I can do with new heads, last I've changed them was at least five years ago. How they have lasted that long still boggles my mind. Way to go Aquarians.
As for the cymbals, they've taken quite a beating. Funny thing is, the only cymbals that got to cracking are the ones that were on inadequate stands. My opinion, Argent can't build a proper stand for cymbals. I can't argue though, because my brother bought me the set and everything else sounds fine. Now, even though its been dealt with (or complained about) through the course of owning the stands, I regret not stopping when I had the chance. Other stands could have been purchased at semi-reasonable prices, but when you wanna play the drums, the whole neighborhood knows it. With all the itchings of getting behind the set, I introduce you to this week's Bitch of the Week! Today, I'll fill in on the drum roll.....................This week's bitch is: harrowing hi-hat stands! (Applause)

As for the cymbals, they've taken quite a beating. Funny thing is, the only cymbals that got to cracking are the ones that were on inadequate stands. My opinion, Argent can't build a proper stand for cymbals. I can't argue though, because my brother bought me the set and everything else sounds fine. Now, even though its been dealt with (or complained about) through the course of owning the stands, I regret not stopping when I had the chance. Other stands could have been purchased at semi-reasonable prices, but when you wanna play the drums, the whole neighborhood knows it. With all the itchings of getting behind the set, I introduce you to this week's Bitch of the Week! Today, I'll fill in on the drum roll.....................This week's bitch is: harrowing hi-hat stands! (Applause)
Now now, this is partially my fault, but lets consider the fact that these cymbals can be high priced and with the problem of laziness...the stand is at fault. But at this point we can only hope that this kind of incident will be prevented in the years to come. (Unless we don't make it past 2012, then till then.)
21 June, 2009
Old Turtle Toys!
You know you miss them, even though some of the ideas were far out. If time travel were possible, I'd go back and steal from myself. Then the toys wouldn't be given away to some kid who prolly didn't even know what they were and mistook them for toads. Little me would prolly have a sad look upon his eyes but....Retribution!!!!
At Our Still Lives Posed...
As an aspiring writer of all sorts (honestly, I wouldn't know where I would start about writing), I should prolly write everyday just to get my mind running on a regular basis. All these writing tips from Anne Lamot has really come in handy. I can even write like a journal everyday just to have recollection of my past. As Henry James once said, "A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost." We won't have to forget. Although, some things you can't help but to drown out.
The weather has been getting better, besides today's rain shower, and we've been able to sneak in some good swims and photos. I really need to just bring my camera everywhere, which I basically do. Ellie and Cayla just moved into a cute, indie house in Sugarhouse and so many pictures would've turned out great. The only problem was I didn't have my camera, or so I thought. It was in my car the whole time. Moral of the story: Always have your head on straight and remember where you hid your camera...and let your parents know you love them. They tend to worry.
The weather has been getting better, besides today's rain shower, and we've been able to sneak in some good swims and photos. I really need to just bring my camera everywhere, which I basically do. Ellie and Cayla just moved into a cute, indie house in Sugarhouse and so many pictures would've turned out great. The only problem was I didn't have my camera, or so I thought. It was in my car the whole time. Moral of the story: Always have your head on straight and remember where you hid your camera...and let your parents know you love them. They tend to worry.
14 June, 2009
The Storm is near. Gather Two of Every Animal...Forget About The Pigs!
It has been raining 12 out of the 13 days in June, June people. June. Though I should be very pleased with this, it has gotten to the point where I look at at the people I'm with and say "I don't wanna talk about it"...Yeah, Taylor, It's like a damn scar sunken in on a warm spring afternoon. (It'll be around forever. heh heh heh) A little bit of sun would definitely help, but that only takes one thing off my list of nostalgia. Cursed and my heart are teaming up against me, and my lungs. I should prolly be nicer to them. Good.
I'm gonna go ahead and quote Rei Ayanami, "Rainy days make you feel gloom." So far it's usually been dark out, and it makes me feel sick. That and prolly because of the whole anxiety (Is my heart enlarged again!? Blood flowing backwards?! Left Ventricle!?!?) and upper respiratory illness which leads to trouble breathing.
With this consequential pattern of rain and well...more rain, I can't help but to wish and hope and pray for sun! We're in the season of swim, bike, and travel. Though traveling out o' the wasatch would get me away from this bipolar-ness of weather and many other things. Let's just steer clear from Seattle, for the time being.
With all this rain in mind, let me introduce you to The Bitch of The Week! Rain!! Now now, You're prolly saying "But Jon, You love the rain..So very very much." Indeed I do. (Looks out the window to reminisce. Looks back at screen.) But..sun? Superman wouldn't be able to survive in this kind of climate. What about the fire nation? I watch too many cartoon shows. Hi, I'm 20. Well lets be fair, rainy days are great for writing, taking naps, and for all you love know what I'm talking about! YEAH! (high five!) Hopefully the forecast gets better.
Well golly, I haven't done last weeks BOTW. I'm starting to do them every other week, which kinda defeats the purpose of of The Week. So, I should prolly blog more often. I just feel like when I do, it's all griping. Well, if I had some sun, I could take pictures! Oh well. So, to keep things simple for last weeks BOTW, we'll say it was nipple hair. Self explanitory.
To end this segment, I will converse with Garrett through blogger...
I will check out Soul Kiss.
Oh, Really?
Yeah, That is a nice banner.
I'm gonna go ahead and quote Rei Ayanami, "Rainy days make you feel gloom." So far it's usually been dark out, and it makes me feel sick. That and prolly because of the whole anxiety (Is my heart enlarged again!? Blood flowing backwards?! Left Ventricle!?!?) and upper respiratory illness which leads to trouble breathing.
With this consequential pattern of rain and well...more rain, I can't help but to wish and hope and pray for sun! We're in the season of swim, bike, and travel. Though traveling out o' the wasatch would get me away from this bipolar-ness of weather and many other things. Let's just steer clear from Seattle, for the time being.
With all this rain in mind, let me introduce you to The Bitch of The Week! Rain!! Now now, You're prolly saying "But Jon, You love the rain..So very very much." Indeed I do. (Looks out the window to reminisce. Looks back at screen.) But..sun? Superman wouldn't be able to survive in this kind of climate. What about the fire nation? I watch too many cartoon shows. Hi, I'm 20. Well lets be fair, rainy days are great for writing, taking naps, and for all you love know what I'm talking about! YEAH! (high five!) Hopefully the forecast gets better.
Well golly, I haven't done last weeks BOTW. I'm starting to do them every other week, which kinda defeats the purpose of of The Week. So, I should prolly blog more often. I just feel like when I do, it's all griping. Well, if I had some sun, I could take pictures! Oh well. So, to keep things simple for last weeks BOTW, we'll say it was nipple hair. Self explanitory.
To end this segment, I will converse with Garrett through blogger...
I will check out Soul Kiss.
Oh, Really?
Yeah, That is a nice banner.
05 June, 2009
01 June, 2009
BOTW #7!!!....and 6 because I'm late, again.
So, here we are again! I'll keep it short this time and leave out my life story and the sweet scent of victory. "Over what?" you say? Well, that's up to your imagination.
A week ago, I spent my nights at the ever so attention elusive Abel Mason Perry's house. One night in particular, I became very paranoid about my breathing habits and went on questioning myself on every little thing that I have ever done. At that point I began to question if it had anything to do with my heart, but I focused on the lungs. I could not sleep that night, which was supposed to be an all nighter and you would think that I wanted it that way, but was very tired. Indeed. I kept questioning everything and fearing the worst. Tonight, the feeling is mutual. I hopes of what I would like to believe of my problems, I give you the "Bitch of the Week!" (Applaud!!) Drumroll, please.........................this week's is...Anxiety! People who have this disorder would agree that you end up with a terrible night. Stressin over menial things can steer you away from your metal stability. Oh my, I wonder if blogging helps? I'm only talking to myself instead of psychiatrist. If anything, Blogger is my hot psychiatrist! I pray that my heart hasn't enlarged, seems like anxiety and that have the same symtoms.
On to last weeks note, mixing and recording is tough business. Especially when you have and easy program to work with, but it lacks in plug-in's and enhancement capabilities. Note: before I bash on this program, I may not know of such plug-in's out there that may be of help to me. So, if you happen to come across this, feel free to call me out. Anyways, I recorded a couple of songs, acoustically, and decided to do it very quietly. Now I would be willing to go back, adjust all the setting, and record it during the day instead of late at night...but that would be more work. What if I messed up and didn't do quite as well on the second recording? In conclusion, I wish for a plug-in or mic plug-in that increases the volume of the track. I blame the RAM on my MacBook for not being able to run ProTools and then blame ProTools for being confusing. I really seem like a recording noob. Last week's "BOTW".....Garageband! If anyone is willing to help, feel free...
A week ago, I spent my nights at the ever so attention elusive Abel Mason Perry's house. One night in particular, I became very paranoid about my breathing habits and went on questioning myself on every little thing that I have ever done. At that point I began to question if it had anything to do with my heart, but I focused on the lungs. I could not sleep that night, which was supposed to be an all nighter and you would think that I wanted it that way, but was very tired. Indeed. I kept questioning everything and fearing the worst. Tonight, the feeling is mutual. I hopes of what I would like to believe of my problems, I give you the "Bitch of the Week!" (Applaud!!) Drumroll, please.........................this week's is...Anxiety! People who have this disorder would agree that you end up with a terrible night. Stressin over menial things can steer you away from your metal stability. Oh my, I wonder if blogging helps? I'm only talking to myself instead of psychiatrist. If anything, Blogger is my hot psychiatrist! I pray that my heart hasn't enlarged, seems like anxiety and that have the same symtoms.
On to last weeks note, mixing and recording is tough business. Especially when you have and easy program to work with, but it lacks in plug-in's and enhancement capabilities. Note: before I bash on this program, I may not know of such plug-in's out there that may be of help to me. So, if you happen to come across this, feel free to call me out. Anyways, I recorded a couple of songs, acoustically, and decided to do it very quietly. Now I would be willing to go back, adjust all the setting, and record it during the day instead of late at night...but that would be more work. What if I messed up and didn't do quite as well on the second recording? In conclusion, I wish for a plug-in or mic plug-in that increases the volume of the track. I blame the RAM on my MacBook for not being able to run ProTools and then blame ProTools for being confusing. I really seem like a recording noob. Last week's "BOTW".....Garageband! If anyone is willing to help, feel free...
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