So, for my photo assignment on a modern photographer, I picked Autumn de Wilde, who is known for her photos of such famous artists as Elliott Smith, Death Cab for Cutie, The White Stripes, Fiona Apple, and Beck to name a few. Wow, and already I'm choppy on my writing. Tsk' Tsk'. But I just wrote a 5 page essay on Twelfth Night, or What You Will. I've Accomplished my writing for the day. What? You say a good writer has always, gots to be on the ball? I'm sorry, is the pope supposed to be a bunny? Need I remind you that I [nor any of the other fellas] have been on blogger, typed on blogger, or posted 10 top listers [I'm even messing that up] in a very long time. Let me get back in the flow. In the meantime, enjoy that photo above. It's somewhat a retrospect to some Elliott Smith pictures of him with electrical taped mustaches. Thanks to Alex for putting it together in Photoshop, Mason for resizing, revamping, whatever, and to me for putting an awesome name on the picture. Alex's ColonBine was a close second...there were only two names. Oh and here are mustached men a capella-ing Kakariko village.
KakarikoVillageWithMustachedMen. from Jonathan Do on Vimeo.
Side Note: Yeah it's been a while. But, in case you forgot, you can click on the picture to enlarge it.