Yup, an old man hit me as I was clearing an intersection. I think out of fear, and at that point, shaken from the whole fiasco, I didn't talk to the officer much in which he agreed that I [Jonathan Do] had the right of way. I do believe I was right, the light turned red as I looked up and you know how my manual skills are in 1st gear so I was prolly in the intersection for 2 seconds or so before moving. Evidence that could possibly, if not most likely, prove me right is that: 1) 2 seconds in the intersection. 2) There had been a truck stopped at the line on the opposite side of the road, in which secured my thoughts of "Yes, I can clear it now" 3) the intersection wasn't big seeing how the only lanes able to turn was mine because headed north bound would have been an off ramp. 4) To coincide with #3, the old man wasn't going too fast, giving him time to stop. And 5) He hit my rear passenger side showing yeah he ran a red. Now, let's see, I got hit March 9th. I had to go to a pre-trial, in which all that happened was "Tell us what you're doing. Do you want to pay the ticket now?" kind of deal. I set a bench trial for June 17th. I get a letter in the mail recently that my bench trial, as it may have been rescheduled, is not on September 13th. I was hoping to get this over with. Justice shit really takes a long time. I should just pay the damn $90 and get it over with but then my insurance would go up. Now, I'm not pissed about the ticket because of the old man and I have no intentions of getting him in trouble, but the damned officer did not know what the fuck he was doing. For Christ sake [Sorry, JC], he had me sign with a highlighter. I hope it'll be over soon.
Okay, now to what I was originally here for. So, for my final project in photo I picked the theme Portraiture. I've always meant to post them up just for fun and for people to see them and such because, let's face it, they're pretty nigh. Nigh as in nice, not near.