Currently listening to "Road to Joy" whilst writing this post. I guess that sentence doesn't have a concrete verb--curse you, English major! I figured out how to put my whale picture back up on the blog. Many courteous thank yous to Abel Mason Perry for photoshopping me. I should have closed my fist so that it looks better as I hold the whale tack. I'm not sure if that's the right term since not many ride whales. I got that term from a horse know? horse equipments? Ha! Me neither. I had to google that--welcome to the future, where google is a verb.
Gearing towards the last two weeks of school--then it's Christmas season! YAY! Man, even just taking two classes at the U drains me of all motivation to do anything. I can't imagine how all the higher-ups are doing--them kids and their 5000+ level classes. I can't wait for these two weeks to be over. I have, so far, a paper due for ENG 3600 about Irigaray's essay which demystifies conventional views of sexuality--there I go again, incorporating my awkward writing--and a paper in my ENG 3701 about ekphrasis: in which I'll interpret Saussure's theory of the sign and also the work of Sir Thomas More (Utopia). If you're confused, imagine writing the paper. I have decided that a majority of the times, when I write a paper, I learn about the reading material as I write. I'm sure it's one of the reasons why papers are written--that and how much you've payed attention--but I feel like I didn't do my reading at all. *cough* Here's to the last two weeks of my first semester at the U! My obstacle before Christmas. To Garrett: Let's just pass...fffuck.
Christmas is coming up! Did I mention that? Well, Christmas is coming up. Aren't we excited? Yes. Yes, we are. I am prepared for the mistake I'll make by having to pay interest on my credit card this year, but I am planning on at least getting all the ones I love something little for Christmas. Ideas circulate *run list of gifts and people through my head* and the hunt begins! For all my friends who like to smoke [tobacco], should I just get them that? I mean I would have to meet up with a [tobacco store] and do sketchy business in a dark [grocery aisle] and that kind of scares me. Just don't buy shit from [Andreas]...that one was intentional. You can insert whatever name you'd like if you want. "Hhhhere's an eighth."
As an early Christmas present to myself, I have been making some deals on the kidrobot forums--which is starting to get addicting. At least it is cheaper to buy them from decent people at a fair price than to continue searching blind boxes and get doubles, which I can trade on the forums as well--thank you, kid in Cali. Exciting. Also, looking forward to weighing blind boxes at work tomorrow. What up, Chris.
I can't look back and see how many mistakes I have made. The passive and the comma splices are going to haunt me. They are meshing with my idiosyncratic speech. I can either get better or censor myself.
Welcome back, Whale Rider. Good Luck, Finals week. Merry, Christmas.