Fuck (unnecessary, trust me) where to begin? I've been busy busy busy with school. Well, more so pretty lazy than anything. My hair is growing long to the point where it either gets in the way or decides to puncture my retina, proclaiming I look like "High school-emo Jon and how this length suites a younger, more ambitious, nerd and/or skater."
Anywhoo, school has been good so far. Minus that week where I was cursed with bad luck and started drifting into a stage of panic with school [and the unforeseen cancellation of Brand new and Manchester Orchestra]. So far, in Children's Literature, I haven't read two books but recently have been on track with the recent readings. I couldn't believe I can finish a book in less than a day but I did, AND payed attention while doing so. I'm really enjoying this reading business and think I'll either take up a book club or take more classes where we will discuss novels and literature, I may seem uneducated in these topics (or any topic as many who have taken classes with me have known) but I am down with listening to other's opinions. I'm sure the movie is great but if anyone is interested, read
Bridge to Terabithia. It's a good quick read having it be a "Young Adult" novel.
Photo has been great! I love Whitney! *High fives to Alex and Garrett* And I've been having fun in the lab and out on the Photo Adventures. I like some of the photo's I've taken, though my Minolta x-9 is no help at all. You think Forster's would have fixed the damned thing by now but I guess they're just fuckin' with me and now it's taking forever but I'll be patient with Abel's film camera for now. Just hope Forster's doesn't charge me any additional costs from their $80+ they've taken from my family. You happy, Forster's? There are some pictures I can brag about more than others, but only from MY batch of photos. There are many who just got the eyes talent for capturing souls or, as Whitney would say, "Painting with light." Maybe I'm just infatuated with rain or umbrellas or Kara but I don't know. Short lived? Maybe. But that's only because I'll take better pictures of people one day, hopefully, so watch out world! Your soul is mine! What movie did you just think about? Cheesy. Lame. MK.
I've started Oil Painting, every Friday. The damn class is 11-4 and it's hard to get yourself to class without thinking "Oh, it's gonna be another looong day of class." But most times you lose track and develop some skills. In which case, lately, it's been frustrating and difficult to paint like many of the kids in my class. Complain much, Jon? Well, I've been doing it this whole blog so you can either stop reading or hold my hand. I'm getting some decent ideas for paintings and am excited to execute these so ideas. It'll be tough and WILL take a lot of patience but I'm hoping I can do this and not half-ass it like all the many things I do in my life.
Oh my, I came on here thinking I'll only post this picture but rather I ended up typing up my life story in three paragraphs. You're welcome. So my mail man, who is NOT Papa Lance, likes to deliver my vinyls like this. Guess he thinks it's pretty convenient that he has rubber-bands in his little mail cart, but what's a few steps to my porch? I'm just afraid people will take my packages [mer]. I'm sure he is pretty busy though and has to stay en-route and get home to his little mail family, I forgive you. But it does kinda look tacky in some ways. What would Papa Lance do?
Kara, this could be another hint of where my house is.As Taylor, and most of the boys, would think, I'm crazy with my vinyl toys. And over the month I bought a full pack. A whole case of 25 that cost me $186. I myself think I'm crazy but it was all worth it to get Thomas Han's and Luke Chueh's Dunny. The many other artists were great also but people, they're some of my favorite modern artists so just give me my moment and TOYS!!!
Does this make you jealous, Taylor?I can't stop listening to Anathallo, for many reasons really, but do your ears a favor and take a good listen. You'll be glad you did...unless you don't appreciate good music? Everyone has their own opinions I guess.