I've been meaning to post so many pictures lately of just fun things that have been going on in the past month. Some of the pictures are pretty random and/or just for our enjoyment, you know who you are. The fellas and I have found Winco, and ever so often we'll head there for our grocery needs. I mean you can't beat the price of .98 cent boxes of Batman fruitsnacks. Who am I kidding? The place is the shit! List of just a few things I've gotten there: Fruit snacks [for our IRC carpooler's], Pie, Corn Dogs, Apples, Cereal, and the list keeps going. Mason got some Chimichangs (Chimichangas) that were amazing! But it's the prolly the jalapenos talking. I didn't even notice but apparently we were in the Asian foods section when I took this. Not that we've been doing it often or anything, but do I hear a top 10 lister of "best of things bought at Winco"?

Oh hey! Our buddy Mark got married to Cassie, that cutie. Took some photos, which reminds me...Next time I think about jumping on a ledge to snap a better photo, I should make sure the ledge is not wet before doing so. Wet ledge=twisted ankle+camera's safety. They're okay! Nothing a little time didn't fix? But what's time but man's way of controlling the world? I say that a lot and it'll never make sense to many people. Well? I'm not a philosopher. Just a wannabe Editor/English Professor [Who needs some improving, obviously.] and photographer. Suck it world! Everything's coming up Doozy! *Puts Thumbs up in awesome still-pose* It's better than the stereotypical peace sign. COME ON!
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