23 November, 2009

The Nippy Snow Can Suface Many Feelings, But Agony Is A Price To Pay.

Pre-Thanksgiving '09!

Around this time last year was when I actually met Matt and Carla. Oh, the joyous memories of sneaky ninja attacks with a slap on bracelet and someone not making it to Logan with pumpkin pies. Well, we're even now. Ellie cooked the Turkey and set up cute little name tags for all of us and they even had cute, little personal notes in them. For those of you who were there, what did yours say? Just curious? Fine, I'll just keep mine a secret then. It was pretty dirty...And now images are popping in your head. The Pumpkin pies didn't cook that well this year. Sorry, Jake. I blame the cooling time? And the cooling time was off. AND THE COOLING TIME WAS OFF! So, Jake put his hands up! Something, something. Nodding his head like Yeah, Moving his hips like Yeah? I'm so very thankful for my friends, of the many things I'm thankful for. Without them in my life, I'm bound to have been elsewhere, prolly miserable and finding other means of escapism. My hats off to you, kisses around the table, and personal jobs to my closest. To the Queen, we applaud thee and owe you so much. Much Love.

Update: Mason knows the lyrics to Miley Cyrus songs. Of course.

Just A Quick Post To Catch Up...Compact Summary of Past Events?

I've been meaning to post so many pictures lately of just fun things that have been going on in the past month. Some of the pictures are pretty random and/or just for our enjoyment, you know who you are. The fellas and I have found Winco, and ever so often we'll head there for our grocery needs. I mean you can't beat the price of .98 cent boxes of Batman fruitsnacks. Who am I kidding? The place is the shit! List of just a few things I've gotten there: Fruit snacks [for our IRC carpooler's], Pie, Corn Dogs, Apples, Cereal, and the list keeps going. Mason got some Chimichangs (Chimichangas) that were amazing! But it's the prolly the jalapenos talking. I didn't even notice but apparently we were in the Asian foods section when I took this. Not that we've been doing it often or anything, but do I hear a top 10 lister of "best of things bought at Winco"?

Oh hey! Our buddy Mark got married to Cassie, that cutie. Took some photos, which reminds me...Next time I think about jumping on a ledge to snap a better photo, I should make sure the ledge is not wet before doing so. Wet ledge=twisted ankle+camera's safety. They're okay! Nothing a little time didn't fix? But what's time but man's way of controlling the world? I say that a lot and it'll never make sense to many people. Well? I'm not a philosopher. Just a wannabe Editor/English Professor [Who needs some improving, obviously.] and photographer. Suck it world! Everything's coming up Doozy! *Puts Thumbs up in awesome still-pose* It's better than the stereotypical peace sign. COME ON!

09 November, 2009

One Month of School To Go...Loving IRC

I noticed that in my recent posts that I was very bracket happy. But in my defense, grammar [was not] at fault. Yay English humor! *Puts hand up* Anyone? Anyone? Saxophone. I, most likely, am using them wrong majority of the times and almost all my posts have some terrible sentences. I say "majority" and "almost" because I gotta give myself some credit for making things easy on the eyes, and the brain...sometimes the heart. Awww...

Well, after reading Taylor's Blog, I noticed that I have some pictures from IRC that I would like to share. It has been really fun and at times I feel like stealing the children away, I could say kidnapping but that's a pretty harsh word. Adorable kids? Yes. Pedophile like? Maybe. Will I go on with the plan? No. They have families to go home to and I my masculinity. *Looks in mirror, flexes, and winks at self*.......Who am I kidding though? I can be the most childish person in the world and these arms aren't able to carry nothin', not even my dignity. *Hangs head in shame* This week's new use of Typography, Asterisks! *Applause*

At IRC last week, we taught the kids about time. The little clocks, thanks to Ellie, Kara, and Haley, were a big help. It really helped the kids a lot with where the little and big hands would point to. After giving them the basics, we went on a little scavenger hunt around the library, which quickly became elevator rides. Somehow, that day just stuck out most this session. There are more days to come. But just seeing how happy the kids were and how you could be sucked right into the fun like you yourself were 5 again took you back to how simple things like screaming, jumping, and elevator rides can be the most fun you can have.

Well, anyways, here are some pictures I took at the zoo a couple weeks back.