16 September, 2009

Bake Goods or Bake-Goods?

As Taylor had noted, what IS up with the cake on blogger? Can someone fill me in on that? Anywhoo, that reminded me that Becca baked some cookies for us to decorate the other night and, personally, I was pretty proud of these. In retrospect to my dear ol' childhood memories, I present to you neato-ly, decorated cookies of the TMNT...*applause* (Feel free to applaud where you are now and have people around you, if there are, to glance at you like you're a fool. Smiley Face.)

I didn't want to eat them so they are still sitting on my kitchen table. Though, I did take a few bites of Mikey's legs today to see if they were still edible...indeed they were. *Nods head*

13 September, 2009

Technology at it's finest...

Dear Diary and the well regulated world of the WWW,

Curse Blackboard and it's mandatory shutdowns every Sunday from 2am-10am. A boy, coming of age, rushes home to express his concerns and thoughts on the topic of Picture Books only to find that he is 15 minutes late after the shutdown of a course management system. Who needs a good shutdown? Does the site have people constantly working on it to help middle class, unfortunate children, where their only break from this pitiful, resentful society is on a damn Sunday at the strike of two where the big hand is on 12 and the little hand is at 2? Due to much frustration, that last sentence was complete run on. As Pooh Bear would say, "Oh Bother". After retyping the assignment, I'll be ready to send it off once again but worded differently and quite possibly with a little umph to it.

Maybe it was a good thing you did this to me oh cursed dubs B, but this grudge is held pretty close to the chest. Maybe in the morning I'll forgive you, but till then, as Taylor has written on the filth of my car, Fuck off.

Love, but also with much resentment,
Jonathan Do
Children's Literature
MW 8-8:50am