27 December, 2009

End of the semester. End of the year. Death to funny looking, internet nerds.

Calling all updates!!! What a couple of months. This semester is over and already I'm signed up for the next. So, basically, you're all done with finals and relieved with school only to find that you're about to go through the same thing in a few weeks. The life of a college student is hectic, but somehow you gotta learn. The last three years have become vague or blocked with it's ups and downs and I feel like I've wasted that time with no direction or path to follow. Although, my eyes are open and seeing in all directions rather than simple straight into a narrow path. I fear for the world yet you get a hint of understanding of people and how life will still go on even as you mope in a corner. Someone dear to me once said, "You can't live your whole life being sad." Obviously you can't dwell upon one thing, you got to live a little and enjoy the little things in life, or you will end up with another week in hell.

In a happier note, though I'm saddened that it's over, IRC this session was a blast. I always looked forward to my Tuesdays and Thursdays, being able to help the kids and watch as friendships grow between the mentors and the children always warms the heart. Every second there you either help the kids understand the culture here in America and teach them simple things like telling time, or we would be having fun running around the library, playing on the elevators, or even going out to the movies as part of the things we can do for entertainment. This semester's kids will be missed dearly and I sound pedophile-like when I say I wanna steal the kids they're so adorable, but I'll hold myself back. Or have Taylor, Haley, and Kara do that for me. Yes, it'll take three people to do that.

In a sad but more stickin' it to the man note, recently my sister got the great idea of getting teeth whitening stuff for about $2.45. The product was APP-A-RENT-LY a "Trial" and if not returned by the 30 day trial would charge you up the ass. A day before the product was supposed to be back in their warehouse, they decide to take [estimated] $85 from me. They prolly waited till the last minute to charge me thinking I won't spend the money to have it be sent back overnight. And shit were they right. This charge, unauthorized by me nor was it stated in their policy, gave me an overdrawn fee which put me -$30 in my checkings. I filed a dispute, had my card and pin changed and, baby, got my money back. I was scared that I would've lost my money there and I'd have to spit in a condom and send dirty pictures of me using other teeth whitening products, kinda like in Overnight Delivery but with teeth whitening. Oh, a young, brunette, Reese Whitherspoon. Hey, SmileBright...suck it! *Attempts The Champ's dance, once more.*

Post script: whatever happen to Sexman aka Pruane2Forever? I haven't been seeing him rate movies on Filmdrunk anymore. Has he grown up, grew some side burns, and looks crazy ridiculous for internet standards? But isn't the internet full of weird looking people? Even I look like I have a double chin or fat folding over under my cheeks. Yeah, you know it's sexy.

23 December, 2009

Oh Miss Snow White! I'm Your Biggest Fan!!!

Akward Smile! Merry Christmas To Meeee!

23 November, 2009

The Nippy Snow Can Suface Many Feelings, But Agony Is A Price To Pay.

Pre-Thanksgiving '09!

Around this time last year was when I actually met Matt and Carla. Oh, the joyous memories of sneaky ninja attacks with a slap on bracelet and someone not making it to Logan with pumpkin pies. Well, we're even now. Ellie cooked the Turkey and set up cute little name tags for all of us and they even had cute, little personal notes in them. For those of you who were there, what did yours say? Just curious? Fine, I'll just keep mine a secret then. It was pretty dirty...And now images are popping in your head. The Pumpkin pies didn't cook that well this year. Sorry, Jake. I blame the cooling time? And the cooling time was off. AND THE COOLING TIME WAS OFF! So, Jake put his hands up! Something, something. Nodding his head like Yeah, Moving his hips like Yeah? I'm so very thankful for my friends, of the many things I'm thankful for. Without them in my life, I'm bound to have been elsewhere, prolly miserable and finding other means of escapism. My hats off to you, kisses around the table, and personal jobs to my closest. To the Queen, we applaud thee and owe you so much. Much Love.

Update: Mason knows the lyrics to Miley Cyrus songs. Of course.

Just A Quick Post To Catch Up...Compact Summary of Past Events?

I've been meaning to post so many pictures lately of just fun things that have been going on in the past month. Some of the pictures are pretty random and/or just for our enjoyment, you know who you are. The fellas and I have found Winco, and ever so often we'll head there for our grocery needs. I mean you can't beat the price of .98 cent boxes of Batman fruitsnacks. Who am I kidding? The place is the shit! List of just a few things I've gotten there: Fruit snacks [for our IRC carpooler's], Pie, Corn Dogs, Apples, Cereal, and the list keeps going. Mason got some Chimichangs (Chimichangas) that were amazing! But it's the prolly the jalapenos talking. I didn't even notice but apparently we were in the Asian foods section when I took this. Not that we've been doing it often or anything, but do I hear a top 10 lister of "best of things bought at Winco"?

Oh hey! Our buddy Mark got married to Cassie, that cutie. Took some photos, which reminds me...Next time I think about jumping on a ledge to snap a better photo, I should make sure the ledge is not wet before doing so. Wet ledge=twisted ankle+camera's safety. They're okay! Nothing a little time didn't fix? But what's time but man's way of controlling the world? I say that a lot and it'll never make sense to many people. Well? I'm not a philosopher. Just a wannabe Editor/English Professor [Who needs some improving, obviously.] and photographer. Suck it world! Everything's coming up Doozy! *Puts Thumbs up in awesome still-pose* It's better than the stereotypical peace sign. COME ON!

09 November, 2009

One Month of School To Go...Loving IRC

I noticed that in my recent posts that I was very bracket happy. But in my defense, grammar [was not] at fault. Yay English humor! *Puts hand up* Anyone? Anyone? Saxophone. I, most likely, am using them wrong majority of the times and almost all my posts have some terrible sentences. I say "majority" and "almost" because I gotta give myself some credit for making things easy on the eyes, and the brain...sometimes the heart. Awww...

Well, after reading Taylor's Blog, I noticed that I have some pictures from IRC that I would like to share. It has been really fun and at times I feel like stealing the children away, I could say kidnapping but that's a pretty harsh word. Adorable kids? Yes. Pedophile like? Maybe. Will I go on with the plan? No. They have families to go home to and I my masculinity. *Looks in mirror, flexes, and winks at self*.......Who am I kidding though? I can be the most childish person in the world and these arms aren't able to carry nothin', not even my dignity. *Hangs head in shame* This week's new use of Typography, Asterisks! *Applause*

At IRC last week, we taught the kids about time. The little clocks, thanks to Ellie, Kara, and Haley, were a big help. It really helped the kids a lot with where the little and big hands would point to. After giving them the basics, we went on a little scavenger hunt around the library, which quickly became elevator rides. Somehow, that day just stuck out most this session. There are more days to come. But just seeing how happy the kids were and how you could be sucked right into the fun like you yourself were 5 again took you back to how simple things like screaming, jumping, and elevator rides can be the most fun you can have.

Well, anyways, here are some pictures I took at the zoo a couple weeks back.

21 October, 2009

Andy Hull would [Maybe] enjoy this!

Name the band! If correct, you can have this...well you'd have to find it first. Thank you Garrett for letting me write one this Benjamin that his mother gave him. I actually did this a while ago and the bill is long gone now. I wonder where it is? If anyone ever gets a $100 bill, can I write on it? Please?

19 October, 2009

Let's Catch Up...Shall We? I've Got Candeeee

Fuck (unnecessary, trust me) where to begin? I've been busy busy busy with school. Well, more so pretty lazy than anything. My hair is growing long to the point where it either gets in the way or decides to puncture my retina, proclaiming I look like "High school-emo Jon and how this length suites a younger, more ambitious, nerd and/or skater."

Anywhoo, school has been good so far. Minus that week where I was cursed with bad luck and started drifting into a stage of panic with school [and the unforeseen cancellation of Brand new and Manchester Orchestra]. So far, in Children's Literature, I haven't read two books but recently have been on track with the recent readings. I couldn't believe I can finish a book in less than a day but I did, AND payed attention while doing so. I'm really enjoying this reading business and think I'll either take up a book club or take more classes where we will discuss novels and literature, I may seem uneducated in these topics (or any topic as many who have taken classes with me have known) but I am down with listening to other's opinions. I'm sure the movie is great but if anyone is interested, read Bridge to Terabithia. It's a good quick read having it be a "Young Adult" novel.

Photo has been great! I love Whitney! *High fives to Alex and Garrett* And I've been having fun in the lab and out on the Photo Adventures. I like some of the photo's I've taken, though my Minolta x-9 is no help at all. You think Forster's would have fixed the damned thing by now but I guess they're just fuckin' with me and now it's taking forever but I'll be patient with Abel's film camera for now. Just hope Forster's doesn't charge me any additional costs from their $80+ they've taken from my family. You happy, Forster's? There are some pictures I can brag about more than others, but only from MY batch of photos. There are many who just got the eyes talent for capturing souls or, as Whitney would say, "Painting with light." Maybe I'm just infatuated with rain or umbrellas or Kara but I don't know. Short lived? Maybe. But that's only because I'll take better pictures of people one day, hopefully, so watch out world! Your soul is mine! What movie did you just think about? Cheesy. Lame. MK.

I've started Oil Painting, every Friday. The damn class is 11-4 and it's hard to get yourself to class without thinking "Oh, it's gonna be another looong day of class." But most times you lose track and develop some skills. In which case, lately, it's been frustrating and difficult to paint like many of the kids in my class. Complain much, Jon? Well, I've been doing it this whole blog so you can either stop reading or hold my hand. I'm getting some decent ideas for paintings and am excited to execute these so ideas. It'll be tough and WILL take a lot of patience but I'm hoping I can do this and not half-ass it like all the many things I do in my life.

Oh my, I came on here thinking I'll only post this picture but rather I ended up typing up my life story in three paragraphs. You're welcome. So my mail man, who is NOT Papa Lance, likes to deliver my vinyls like this. Guess he thinks it's pretty convenient that he has rubber-bands in his little mail cart, but what's a few steps to my porch? I'm just afraid people will take my packages [mer]. I'm sure he is pretty busy though and has to stay en-route and get home to his little mail family, I forgive you. But it does kinda look tacky in some ways. What would Papa Lance do?

Kara, this could be another hint of where my house is.

As Taylor, and most of the boys, would think, I'm crazy with my vinyl toys. And over the month I bought a full pack. A whole case of 25 that cost me $186. I myself think I'm crazy but it was all worth it to get Thomas Han's and Luke Chueh's Dunny. The many other artists were great also but people, they're some of my favorite modern artists so just give me my moment and TOYS!!!

Does this make you jealous, Taylor?

I can't stop listening to Anathallo, for many reasons really, but do your ears a favor and take a good listen. You'll be glad you did...unless you don't appreciate good music? Everyone has their own opinions I guess.

I...Had To Post This.

I finally, FINALLY, found this video on earthquake safety and thought I'd share it with my blog. In this video is my favorite teacher to be, Ms. Ellie [Her Majesty] Nazzal. Just a little safety video she did with her classmates at the UVU. Also a school that our very own Mason [Shuppady Shup Shape -Neida] Perry will be going. Hopefully you won't be moving away from us, you bastard. There's nothing is provo! With the acception of Muse and Velour...and the occasional Sego fest, where I watched Akira backwards and inverted with an added mind trip to the music of neon lights...

...anywhoo, hope this video helps you out. Who knows? It'll prolly come in handy with the "Big One" hits the Heart 'o the Wasatch. Heed my warning? If you didn't watch this and regret doing so when the time comes, I'll be there to tell you I told you so. Unless I'm taken horrifically by dry wall.


16 September, 2009

Bake Goods or Bake-Goods?

As Taylor had noted, what IS up with the cake on blogger? Can someone fill me in on that? Anywhoo, that reminded me that Becca baked some cookies for us to decorate the other night and, personally, I was pretty proud of these. In retrospect to my dear ol' childhood memories, I present to you neato-ly, decorated cookies of the TMNT...*applause* (Feel free to applaud where you are now and have people around you, if there are, to glance at you like you're a fool. Smiley Face.)

I didn't want to eat them so they are still sitting on my kitchen table. Though, I did take a few bites of Mikey's legs today to see if they were still edible...indeed they were. *Nods head*

13 September, 2009

Technology at it's finest...

Dear Diary and the well regulated world of the WWW,

Curse Blackboard and it's mandatory shutdowns every Sunday from 2am-10am. A boy, coming of age, rushes home to express his concerns and thoughts on the topic of Picture Books only to find that he is 15 minutes late after the shutdown of a course management system. Who needs a good shutdown? Does the site have people constantly working on it to help middle class, unfortunate children, where their only break from this pitiful, resentful society is on a damn Sunday at the strike of two where the big hand is on 12 and the little hand is at 2? Due to much frustration, that last sentence was complete run on. As Pooh Bear would say, "Oh Bother". After retyping the assignment, I'll be ready to send it off once again but worded differently and quite possibly with a little umph to it.

Maybe it was a good thing you did this to me oh cursed dubs B, but this grudge is held pretty close to the chest. Maybe in the morning I'll forgive you, but till then, as Taylor has written on the filth of my car, Fuck off.

Love, but also with much resentment,
Jonathan Do
Children's Literature
MW 8-8:50am

30 August, 2009

With an exception of the last post, I haven't posted anything for a LONG time.

Would you not agree? Well you all know that the problem was because my internet was down, which meant no alone time for Jon *coughcough*, and I was too lazy to post anything when I did have access to the world wide web via the Green household. But on a side note, I was also appalled to hear that a certain meddler, and this meddler/eavesdropper who has never taken the time out of there precious life to sit down and get to know me, thinks that I am a bad influence. Not only was I a bad influence but also my peers around me. Now, I would have to disagree with that comment but also point out the fact that Garrett DID make us *CoughSoundLikeWeWentToTheLustyLadyCough* and I DO have the mouth of Patrick Johnson or a younger Colin Farrel, Fuckin' drunk Irish. Grow some vocabulary? Perhaps. But in a place where you can openly judge a person ONLY by their blog, which in the first place is something that you can't be taking seriously at times, is pretty much out right. I would like to hope that people can learn from their judgements and actions and consider other possibilities in a situation before running their mouths and ruining many lives. And if not, then wake up. The world is no different.

I thought this was pretty funny, but also in a sense pretty genius. Batman and The Joker advertising pizza. I took these two pictures during the summer and thought I'd put them up now after saying I would for days on end, well until the summer was over. I get a text from Garrett right before a hookah run and tells me to bring my camera. He pics me up and first thing he starts laughing. He exclaims that The Joker is selling pizza and I'm already confused. But to get to the point, we had to get a picture of this and luckily I got a pretty good shot of The Joker while Garrett was turning at a light. Batman was pretty easy because we were stuck on a red turning right but anywhoo they were working their respective corners. I wonder if they got in a fight at the end to see who got the most supporters? They prolly did, and Catwomen and Harley Quinn were there and pizza sauce was just everywhere. You could only imagine the kinky outcome. Is that why I'm a bad influence?

27 August, 2009

Thus Starts a New Semester of School...Hazaa?

Third year at the 'ol SLCC, and boy were there a ton of kids this year! Word on the street, and by street I mean Alex and word I mean, is that tuition has gone up a little because some feel it's better to go to our school! It's our college! Our territory! OUR UUSH 1,2,3's!! There's prolly a uush (usual for the uncanny) 4 but I'm either unaware or out of my mind. But here's to the new year! (And I don't feel any different)

This year I think I've decided on a major. Ladies and Gents, English. I have no idea what I'll be able to do with an English major. I'm sure other majors would be more fitting, in both the eyes of my parents and part of our demographic who find this a stereotype, like math, science, or doctor. What will it be today? Doctor? Lawyer? Or Clown? Bobby Lee knows what I'm talking about.

Of the 4 classes I am taking, only Children's Literature will go towards my Associates. But man oh man am I excited for Oil Painting, Photography, and maybe Fretboard Theory. I don't know, I just think that with the spare time I have of not going to that class and learning about scales and harmonies and melodies, God bless my soul, that I could be at work. Slaving away to the man whilst saving up to buy supplies for all my classes and to pay off my car. What would money Jesus do?

Well, it's gonna be a good year. I'll miss the summer though and the wonderful times I had in the last month, She knows who she is =). It's Seattle! Oh, I kid I kid. But I digress, I'm sure the future holds many joyous occasions to come. New kids for IRC soon, though I miss my main guys last session but they've grown so much. This week was there last time and just seeing how open they are to the world just makes your heart sink. I only wish them all the best in the years to come.

And who am I to not post pictures up? I'll leave a few here from IRC and a very disgruntled Garrett after being told that we DID NOT bring home any scones...poor guy. I'll prolly post some older summer stuff up too, now that my internet is up and back. Er, Back and up. Either/Or. Good album.

He even brought milk out for himself...

02 August, 2009

Post #30, For Future Sake.

I haven't really been writing much, I've posted a bunch of pictures and videos but nothing about anything else. I was thinking about that how I should write every week just to keep the brain flowing but it's usually at night and I go to bed right after, mommy says I can't fall asleep at school or I won't learn anything. I should start writing in the mornings so it gets my day going and the thinking cap on or the brain cells working or something rather.

Ugh, I haven't posted a Bitch of the Week in forever. I think I'm gonna break away from the every week thing and just post them as they hit me. I just haven't been annoyed by anything serious to even give something the title of Bitch of the Week. But for some week, at some time in the past, Taylor should be Bitch of the Week if everyone in our group including Taylor himself agrees. Long story short because I know how you have to get back to your Facebooks and your Twittars and Suicide Girls and Victoria Silstedt: Playmate of the Year...Speaking of, Who is this years?........ah, Ida Ljungqvist. Strange name. Thanks Wiki.

Anywho, Taylor went and decided he would finish the second season of Avatar without us. Abel knew that if he left it there that Tay would do that but WE trusted him. We were gonna watch it as a FAMILY but NOOOO. Forgive and forget I guess. You're lucky this time....fucker..then I turn down the volume and turn off the TV. Hahaha we should just post things of Taylor moments. We can Roast him....or Garrett, That'd be more fun! I could say things like (oh, that ones too bad. Hint: It included Jill). But it's a fuckin' roast! That's how we talk! Haven't you seen my movies!

Well, all in all I just wanted to type and take my mind away from things like Ghosts, Aliens, Puppets, and Zombies, In which case in a Zombie invasion we'd either get the news from Jake or he goes first. But I'd like to think that if Jake dies from a zombie invation that Nate would hear his cry and inform us. At least I would like to think so....Jake, Buy a shotgun. You know, for zombies. JIC.

Speaking of zombies and puppets, this is a pretty creepy picture I took in Seattle. You think they know Chucky? *Shivers*

30 July, 2009

Seattle: This one is dedicated to the black and whites.

Pike Place Market was a vast area with the aroma of fish, flowers, and fruits. Triple F's, if possible? The beating heat and lack of air conditioning reminded me of China Town, California. Although, Pike's was more sanitary, is that saying much?

Not only did that lady have a nice voice but when we passed by her she was doing her own cover of Elliott Smith's "Angeles" Props to her. I applaud her choice of music. There were a few musicians just playing around the marketplace. Beg the question how I'd do here? I could blend in with all the Asians that are there anyways. Mind as well open up a China Town around here. But don't, we're good...really.

I caught a picture of these guys throwing fish. Yeah, not to brag or anything, but I could catch one that big too, and grow a beard like the Asian man but you see, I hurt my back so I'll let them do there job *cough cough*.

29 July, 2009

Zoo, Aquarium, and Mariners Game.

I'll be brief, seriously (like G said), if you want play by play, laughs and other Seattle stories, I think Abel's your man. I think I'm just gonna put up a few pictures that I very much so enjoy. I was gonna fix all this with the wrap text around images but then I remembered that you do that before you upload the images...oh, silly me. Well, imagine Abel's stories wrapped all around these while you enjoy yourself to a nice cup of joe and these pictures I claim to be nice..Enjoy! Smiley Face.

But Wait! There's More...I made this little cry, I felt bad but I
was just buzzing my lips at him like a cherry? Well anywhoo,
cute little bugger.