17 May, 2009

Another Week's Another Story..Oh, And Bitch Of The Week #4 & 5

And then your mind goes blank. Questioning yourself on whether or not you did anything exciting this week? Oh! But the Manchester Orchestra concert was most enjoyable! Had a wonderful lunch at Eggs In The City, quite possibly the cutest breakfast/lunch corner ever.

But let's jump back to a couple of weeks ago. The first Tuesday of May is Teacher Appreciation Day, and all that week is Teacher Appreciation Week. So, to show my appreciation, I decided that I would go on a hunt to find my 5th grade teacher Ms. Shoell, who was later married with the name Mrs. Banks. To go back even further, a story that leads to a story, fate would have had its way as to put Taylor Green in a minor yet nerve racking, on his part, accident. Apparently, the women whom he had side swiped his car into would have known me by name and would know my cousin Aimee. One thing lead to another and eventually asked if I had been keeping up with Mrs. Banks. Last I've seen her, she was at Hillcrest for the dance company nationals, or something rather. News was given to me that my former teacher was on her way to becoming a principle. So, It was time for me to find her and thank her for making a difference in my life, and what better day than Teacher Appreciation Day!

Jump forward to two weeks ago, I found out that Allison Banks was an assistant principle at Silver Hills elementary. So, with this knowledge I set forth on what was possibly a 30 minute drive out to Kearns. As some may know, to get to Kearns, depending on the route, you have to drive through Taylorsville. Lets face it, people in Taylorsville are ridiculous drivers. At Silver Hills, I find out that the principle at Twin Peaks fell ill and that they needed someone to take over. Who else but to ask Mrs. Banks. I guess that you can just take anyone's assistant principle as they choose.

Twin Peaks was only a 10 minute drive from my house. Thus I had to track my way back through Taylorsville (shudder) and all the way to the east side of the city to get to Twin Peaks. When I reached the school and found the main entrance, the flagpole gives it away peolple, I was pretty nervous and excited to find my ex-teacher in the principles office. At this point, I start to studder as I try to force the words out. Thank God she remembered me, that helped a ton. We caught up with one another and Aimee, who was on this little adventure with me. Now you can go back to my little drive story and add Aimee to my frustration. I thanked Mrs. Banks, for if it wasn't for her I don't think I'd be much of a reader now a days.

It's tough to find a teacher who would treat their students as if they were their own kids, and for that I am grateful. I feel like I had much more to say to her, but at that point I'd just be speechless where no matter what I'd say, it wouldn't even amount to how great of a teacher she was. Thank You Mrs. Banks.

So, one of the means to stay in contact with her was Facebook. (Gasp! Fuck facebook!) Everyone and their dog has facebook! (Gasp!) That's not true, Everyone plus their dogs plus their dogs fleas have facebook! (Gasp!) Which leads to a little section I enjoy ranting about in called Bitch of the Week!

This weeks bitch is..........(Taylor does a drumroll here, and Garrett would prolly poke fun)............Facebook! (Gasp!) I used to be succumbed into the evil that is Facebook (Gasp!), but one night I say nah to thee! Reasons I left are a subject of question, but so are so many things in my life. A few of these reasons include the fact that Everyone and their dogs and their dogs fleas know what I'm up to, who I talk to, and what photos I post up of me smoking a bong in which they will kick me out of the Olympics. Whoopdidoo! Next thing you'll know people on facebook (Gasp!) will know I'm jackin it, they prolly have an app for that. It's like I'm forced to eevesdrop on there, and this little soul can only take so much of a beating.

There are plus sides to it like keeping in contact with people...that's it for me really. That idea only tempts to return, in which I'm border line doing it. As promised, If I ever return to facebook (Gasp!) I'll fuck myself. Sorry kids. I'll be ready to deal with the repercussions of returning.

Last week I skipped Bitch of the Week, for it was Mother's Day. Busy day with mama, and I didn't want to be calling anyone a bitch that day. But in honor of Mother's Day, and I would never call anyone's Mom a bitch but desperate times calls for desperate measures, I would like to call your attention to what would be last weeks (Garrett takes over on rolling).......Bitch of the Week!!................and it is.......Alasdair's mom! And all the guys in my room, and then some, on band tour would applaud this decision. Lets keep it brief and I'll number it for you in these bullets! YAY!
  1. She barges into your room on tour, unannounced, while your completely naked. You like what you see? Oh, and their are no girls or anyone else who doesn't belong in this room here. Now, skidaddle. Shoo shoo.
  2. With just me and Jill in the hall and not a third party member. I was forced to go back to my room as Jill got a nice little notice about the third party rule. Sexism? Don't think so. Productionism? That's more like it! I just needed Skintimate to shave me legs.
  3. She prolly smelled like haggis. (Fact uncertain)
Well, that's it for this week. Once again, I didn't provide any visual aid. Should've brought my camera on the adventures. So, heres a photo from tour!

"Yes Mitchell, I cartwheel better in the nude."

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